Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Minikube for windows 10

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Minikube for windows 10 


Minikube for windows 10.Install Minikube - Kubernetes


Previous Next. Share a word. Praveen Siva January 20, at am - Reply. Lahari September 25, at pm - Reply. Is this problem solved? Append or prepend the kubectl binary folder to your PATH environment variable. To install kubectl on Windows you can use either Chocolatey package manager or Scoop command-line installer. In order for kubectl to find and access a Kubernetes cluster, it needs a kubeconfig file , which is created automatically when you create a cluster using kube-up.

If you see a message similar to the following, kubectl is not configured correctly or is not able to connect to a Kubernetes cluster. For example, if you are intending to run a Kubernetes cluster on your laptop locally , you will need a tool like Minikube to be installed first and then re-run the commands stated above. If kubectl cluster-info returns the url response but you can't access your cluster, to check whether it is configured properly, use:.

Replace the version in the URL with the latest stable one. Copy the kubectl. In this tutorial, I will take you through how to install and run minikube in Windows 10 professional system. The Kubernetes command-line tool, kubectl , allows you to run commands against Kubernetes clusters. You can use kubectl to deploy applications, inspect and manage cluster resources, and view logs. Place the downloaded kubectl. While installing Docker Desktop for Windows, it automatically installs its own version of kuectl.

The installation path is also added in the PATH environment variable. However, we want to use the newly downloaded kubectl instead of docker installed one. Hence, we will put an entry of the folder path where we placed kubectl.

Type Edit the system environment variables in the windows search bar and edit the PATH variable like below. If you are following the tutorial as it is, you must have already enabled Hyper-V as part of docker installation Please cross-check the System Requirement section. However, to cross check, please open a command prompt and execute systeminfo command.

The VM exists and i can send a command to stop the vm, which works, but whe i start the vm it just hangs at. Also check this github issue's comment. Stack Overflow for Teams — Start collaborating and sharing organizational knowledge. Create a free Team Why Teams? Learn more about Teams. Asked 1 year, 8 months ago. Modified 1 year, 8 months ago.


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